If you are a member of a office team that works with Dr. Jin Kim's periodontal practice, or any of his teaching courses, you are our VIP GUEST! Yes, you may attend The Club Programs with complimentary passes and coupons. Please call our office at 909-860-9222 and speak to Jewel.
Not a referring office? But would like to get involved?
Please contribute to one of Dr. Jin Kim's preferred charity programs and DONATE!!!
Dr. Jin Kim is a founding board member of
SmileOnU, an organization based in southern California that promotes donated dental care to patients with hardship in the community. If you are dental team member, please donate your time and talent. So simply money.
Dr. Jin Kim also has a special passion for cleft lip and palate patients. Donate your time, and money to
Operation Smiles. Help make many in underprivledged societies become freed from gross suffering, by treating the disfiguring condition.